Creating Space for You

Kimberly Sprecher, Photographer

We all have two worlds we move in and out of–our external and our internal worlds.  Our culture, our technology, and our work pulls us into externalizing our lives.  We make plans, we schedule things, we knock-out tasks and keep up with the buzz of our phones all day long.   I find in my own life and the lives of my clients, if we’re not intentional about putting ourselves into our calendars, we overlook living from a place of intentionality.  I hear so often, “I don’t know where the week went” or “that was 6 months ago and it feels like yesterday”.  It’s common for us to get lost in our to-do’s to the point where we lose connection with ourselves.

Staying present to our internal lives requires establishing a daily, doable practice. It requires honoring our commitment to self-awareness and deliberate, defined personal growth.  How are you doing with putting time in your calendar for you?

To show up strong in our lives, we must make time for connecting, centering, and listening to the voice within.  It’s from that place that we get to know ourselves and the patterns of our mind.  

The first step in becoming a more skillful listener is to begin the daily practice of intentionally scheduling time to listen to yourself.  Beyond watching Netflix, scrolling our phones, and consuming information there is a soul within each of us that yearns to be heard.  

Take It With You Today
The practice of carving out time, everyday, to be fully present to oneself cultivates the generous gift and ability to be fully present to another.